
October 24, 2021

The Market Access Charge: It can Pay for Build Back Better with No New Taxes on Americans and Restore the American Dream

The following appeared online in the Washington Post on October 24, 2021 as a comment on an editorial entitled "Build Back Better is Falling Short of What President Biden Promised."

The need to Build Back Better is clear. America is falling deeper and deeper into an economic pit, and income inequality has reached historic levels, polarizing our nation. Key parts of BBB are critical to restoring rapid, widely shared growth based on growing productivity, not on growing debt.

Approving the Competitive Dollar for Jobs and Prosperity Act (CDJPA), which has already been introduced in the Senate, would introduce a Market Access Charge (MAC) on foreigners trying to speculate in America's financial markets that could (a) fully finance BBB without new taxes on Americans and without cutting essential current programs, and (b) stimulate an industrial renaissance in America that would put millions of Americans to work in well-paying middle-class jobs, end our trade deficits and our slavish dependency on China, and sharply increase America's growth while reducing its internal and external debts.

John R. Hansen, International Economist

America Needs a Competitive Dollar - Now!