Is America Doomed by the
External Deficit Doom Loop?
No. We can Break It with
the Market Access Charge
John R. Hansen, PhD
For nearly 100 years following post-Civil War Reconstruction, America’s trade with foreign nations was balanced or running a modest surplus. The first major trade deficits came only in the 1970s with the OPEC Oil Crisis. Since then, we have become increasingly trapped in the External Deficit Doom Loop (EDDL) shown in the chart below.
of the External Deficit Doom Loop
This note discusses the causal connections between stages of America’s downward spiral over the past fifty years. Taking the problems in order clockwise around the chart, these key stages in the doom loop include:
(1) Growing exchange rate misalignments,
(2) Rising external trade deficits,
(3) Foreign capital inflows,
(4) Foreign liabilities used primarily to finance portfolio investments
rather than directly productive investments such as factories.
increasingly massive inflows of foreign-source money, which currently run about
$90 trillion
per year (over three times total US GDP and thirty times the
value our exports), contributed to
(5) Inflation that further reduced the competitiveness of made-in-America goods, thereby causing
(6) Reduced profitability for US producers.
(7) Factories, lacking the profits needed
to stimulate and finance investments that would increase
productivity, saw
reduced or even negative productivity growth and further loss of
competitiveness and profits.
(8) As factories failed, jobs and family incomes were lost, destroying the foundations of entire communities and regions.
(9) Government at various levels stepped in, trying to help create jobs and supplement incomes, but its ability to do so was reduced by stagnating or falling tax revenues and its limited ability to finance the needed programs with even more debt.
(10) Serious economic, financial, social, and
political problems caused by the external deficit doom loop led the Government
to borrow even more money from abroad. Because interest rates in America were
generally higher than in other countries, foreign speculators were more than
happy to provide the money— triggering yet another destructive trip around the
Lessons Learned from the Past 50 Years
Are we doomed to sit by and watch
this doom loop kill the American Dream of rising prosperity for all for
another fifty or more years?
No. As the remainder of this note
explains, an innovative new external trade policy tool called the Market Access
Charge (MAC) could break the doom loop and put America back on the path to
growth based, not on rising debt, but on rising productivity. Here are the
key steps in the doom loop.
Exchange Rate Misalignment
The world loves the US dollar
-- its premier choice for trade, reserves, and investment. Since the 1970s,
however, excessive global demand for dollars and dollar-based assets (e.g., US
stocks and bonds) has attracted sharply rising flows of foreign currencies
into the United States. Recently they have risen to about $90
trillion every year -- nearly four times total US GDP.
Unfortunately, governmental and
private institutions abroad can "print" an almost unlimited quantity
of foreign currencies -- not only as official currency notes, but also as bonds
both government and private, central bank accounting credits, shares of stock,
and other forms of commercial paper. Japan and China are leading examples of
such practices and are the two leading sources of the trillions of dollars'
worth of foreign "trash cash" that is dumped into America's financial
markets every year. (NB: The official data on inflows from these countries
probably understate total inflows by a considerable margin because the true
origins of much of the money are disguised by the use of money-laundering
techniques such as tax havens and shell corporations.)
These massive inflows, which total
about thirty times total annual US exports, quickly drive down the global value
of currencies like the Japanese yen and the Chinese yuan as they compete more
and more aggressively by offering more and more of their money to buy the
highly desired US dollars.
This de facto currency
manipulation makes it almost impossible for made-in-America goods to
compete as import alternatives or as exports. In fact,
joint research on currency
misalignment by the Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) and
the Blue-Collar Dollar Institute (BCDI) indicates that the exchange rates for
Japan and China give products from these countries an artificial price
advantage of about 25-33 percent compared to the exchange rates that would be
needed to balance the external trade of these countries in a world where all
trade was basically balanced.
In addition to the artificial
price advantage enjoyed by goods from foreign countries like China and Japan,
made-in-America goods suffer an additional price penalty of about 15-20
percent because of the overvalued dollar. Thus, American goods face a
total artificial price penalty of 40-50 percent when competing with
China and Japan because of the currency misalignment driven largely by the
decades-long failure of the US Government to implement any legislation
sufficient to remove this massive burden on America’s producers, workers, and
If US producers on average had a
net profit (net margin as a percent of sales) of say 50 percent, the
artificially low prices of foreign goods compared to US goods caused by
currency misalignment would not be such a problem. However, a 2024 survey
of gross and net profit margins by industry issued by Fullratio indicates
that, for their sample of firms in industries producing goods and services
commonly exported, the average gross margin percentage (revenue less direct cost
of goods produced as a share of revenues) was only about 15 percent,
and the average net profit margins (revenue
less total costs as a share of revenues) was barely a
miserable 2 percent.
Today's massive currency
misalignment, driven primarily by the de facto currency manipulation caused by
foreign private sector speculators who dump trillions of dollars'
worth of foreign trash cash into America's financial markets every year, is
destroying the profitability of a major share of American factories trying to
produce internationally traded goods.
This process has created a crisis.
Millions of good American jobs have already been lost. Many who have lost
their middle-class factory jobs are falling into poverty — sometimes staying
alive by working low-wage "gig" jobs. Others are dying deaths
of despair at some of the highest rates in the world. Our trade
deficits are massive and likely to cause serious international payment problems
in the not-too-distant future. Poverty-stricken areas with rusted-out
factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape are an
all-too-frequent sight, one that I saw regularly while living and working in
the otherwise beautiful mountains of Appalachia. Even those who have not yet
lost their jobs suffer from rising domestic prices caused by reduced
production, reduced economies of scale, and reduced incentives to invest in
increased productivity.
Although the focus of this note is
on the manufacturing sector, currency misalignment also creates serious
problems for America's farmers and ranchers. The undervaluation
of currencies such as the Mexican peso and the Brazilian real
relative to the US dollar means that American producers of products such as
wheat, corn, and beef — goods that can be produced as efficiently in those
countries as in America — must cut their prices to compete with foreign
producers in global markets — and even in US markets. Hence the low
and falling incomes of family farms across the United States.
Another problem has seriously
delayed US efforts to solve the currency misalignment that is destroying so
much of what is good in America. This is the massive legal, conceptual, and
practical confusion regarding the definitions of currency misalignment and
currency manipulation. It is hard to penalize that which cannot be defined
This is a problem even among
professional economists -- especially those who have spent their careers
studying and teaching from the classic "free trade" economics texts
written by the rightly celebrated classical economists such as Smith, Hume, and
Ricardo. Their work was brilliant and path-breaking -- but it was based on a
world that existed about 250 years ago, back in the days of sailing ships,
candle-lit workshops, oxcarts, and waterwheels (SCOWS).
Equally if not more important,
those texts were written in the Gold Standard days when major national
currencies were tied at relatively fixed rates to gold, and when international
payments involved transoceanic shipments of gold and silver, could take months,
and often faced the threat of pirates. Although some so-called
"experts" seem to think that the free trade lessons of our economic
forefathers should still be followed to the letter today, they fail to realize
that the world of SCOWS has long disappeared, and that realities surrounding
production and exchange rate determination have changed dramatically in the
past 100-200 years.
They also fail to realize that the
world has become massively integrated and "financialized," and that
production technologies have been super-sized, creating opportunities for
monopolistic practices through economies of scale that never existed in those
long-gone days.
Most important, exchange rates are
no longer determined as they were in the days of Hume when, thanks to almost
universal gold standard anchor, normal market forces tended to move
exchange rates in the way described by Hume’s price-specie
flow mechanism, a mechanism that generally kept foreign trade reasonably
However, once the gold standard
was abandoned by the IMF and by the world in the early 1970s, the value of
currencies was no longer determined by markets in the export of real goods and
services as described by Hume, but rather by the relative demand for different
currencies in global forex markets where turnover is currently about 90 times
the turnover in real imports and exports. Thus, for the past fifty
years, the dollar's exchange rate has been determined, not by world demand
for US exports and US demand for imports, but largely by world demand for the
dollar as a currency.
Consequently, the value of the
dollar -- the world's #1 choice as the currency for holding reserves, settling
international transactions, and safety in times of crisis -- is no longer
determined in the market for imports and exports of real goods and services.
Consequently, there is absolutely no reason to think that today's exchange
rates, determined in this manner, will balance trade in real goods and services
for America — or for any other country with a currency in high demand.
This is particularly true for
countries like the United States and Great Britain, each of which face massive
global demand for their currencies and for related financial instruments.
This demand is almost totally independent from the demand for their real goods
and services. As a result, for at least the past five years, the United States
and Great Britain have suffered the largest
average trade deficits relative to GDP of all of the more developed
G-8 countries.
Another major problem with getting
the US Government to implement a trade policy like the MAC is that, ever since
the 1970s, the US Government has blamed currency misalignment on currency
manipulation by other countries. The doctrinaire view of many market
fundamentalists including professors, think tanks, and others is that “markets
are the best possible way to set prices,” and that we should "keep
government out of the picture, avoid capital controls, and let the market
Another major problem is that even
the IMF does not really provide a clear legal definition of currency
manipulation. Instead, it speaks in generalities such as, "member
countries are expected to avoid manipulating exchange rates or the
international monetary system with the intent to prevent
effective balance of payments adjustment or to gain an unfair competitive
advantage over other members."
The key sticking point here is
often the issue of "intent." In the past, countries (including the
United States) have generally been able to avoid IMF sanctions even while
intentionally increasing the money supply – a standard way to manipulate the
value of a country's currency and to gain competitive advantage. They do this
by arguing that the monetary expansion was undertaken only to stimulate
economic growth, not to affect the exchange rate or the country's international
Another enforcement problem
centers on the issue of agency -- of "who done it?" Was it the
private or the public sector? For example, the vast majority of money
coming into the United States from China is recorded by the US Treasury as
coming from private sources.
Thus, when the United States tries
to fight currency manipulation by taking action against, for example, the
Government of China, the Chinese Government can claim -- apparently with
considerable justification, that the "manipulation" was not undertaken
by the Government of China and thus it cannot be sanctioned. Also,
speculators can exploit the almost infinite number of ways available to avoid
revealing where the money came from such as tax havens, falsified documents,
and shell corporations.
Does this mean we cannot take action?
Absolutely not. The MAC can fight the de facto currency manipulation that destroys the competitiveness of US firms
with no need to define who did it. This means that, by implementing the MAC,
America could put an end to the tricks that have been destroying America's
ability to fight currency manipulation for the past 50 years. MAC can do
this by applying the small MAC charge of a few percentage points to all money
coming into the United States, regardless of ownership, channel, currency of
denomination, declared purpose, etc. This approach is economically as well as
legally sound. Money is fungible, so it makes little difference where it is
coming from or, for the most part, where it is going.
The one exception that the MAC
could make would be for the US Treasury to refund the MAC charge retroactively
if the payee can prove that the funds were used to create new productive
physical facilities like factories, to pay for US exports, or to deliver funds
borrowed from abroad by the US Government. In short, the MAC would allow
making ex post refunds — much as VAT countries do for exported
goods. The secret to success would be 100% collection at a flat rate when the
funds enter America, followed by selective ex post refunds if
the payee can provide a valid document from US Customs or a local US building
code enforcement authority showing that the funds were in fact used for an
accepted tax-exempt purpose such as paying for US exports or financing and
putting into operation real fixed capital investments such as factories. (My
thanks to Clyde Prestowitz for this idea.)
Foreign Capital Inflows.
As shown vividly by
America's rising trade deficits and the rising stock markets prior to the Crash
of 2008, foreign capital flows into America tend to increase even when the US
economy is suffering severe trade deficits. In fact, the foreign capital
inflows used to purchase dollars tend to make the problem worse by pushing down
the value of the incoming currencies used to by dollar assets, which in turn
pushes the America's dollar and trade deficits ever higher, making trade
deficits even worse. Statistical analysis show a clear correlation between
incoming foreign-source money and rising US trade deficits because of the
impact of that money on USD exchange rates. (See EPI paper Re-Balancing US Trade and
Capital Accounts by Robert Scott.) By moderating these
foreign-source inflows, the MAC could easily control the problem.
Portfolio and Direct Investment
Especially during periods of high
trade deficits, the share of net foreign capital inflows going into financial
investments like stocks and bonds rises compared to investments in physical
investments like factories. In fact, only
about 3% of foreign capital inflows are used to finance real productive
investments in America. This process increases America's net debt to
foreigners, kills America’s competitiveness, and does little if anything to
increase America's productivity.
Incidentally, the high ratio of
portfolio to direct investment inflows in the United States stands in sharp
contrast to the pattern in China over the past couple of decades. Most of the
foreign capital during that period came into China to finance physical
investment projects, not to buy financial assets already owned by someone else.
Money and Inflation Rise
Capital inflows from abroad,
particularly the rising shares of money going into financial rather than into
productive investments, increase the US money supply and thus the risk of
inflation by about ten times the amount coming in -- or worse. For years, US
bank regulations required banks to keep reserves on hand equal to at least 10%
of funds deposited. This was designed to help keep banks from failing from
inability to cover requests for withdrawals of deposits. However, effective
March 26, 2020, the Federal
Reserve removed this reserve requirement. Consequently banks can now
multiply the money on loan by far more than ten times the money that has been
This, together with the fact that
the Federal reserve can also easily increase the availability of
credit circulating within the United States by quantitative easing and by
reducing interest rates, inflation is an ever-present danger, not only to the
stability of our banking system, but also to the stability and well-being of
American families -- especially those in the lower income classes. According to
a recent survey reported by Forbes, 78%of
Americans in 2023 were living paycheck to paycheck, and a substantial share
of them were going deeper into debt every month, putting them constantly on the
brink of a financial crisis. This is another important reason to implement the
MAC as soon as possible.
Business Profits Fall
US businesses currently face
a double whammy because of America’s trade policy is running on the basis
out-of-date currency policies — relics from the days of sailing ships,
candle-lit workshops, oxcarts, waterwheels. They were relevant some 250 years
ago when Smith, Ricardo, and Hume were writing about the glories of free trade
and the gold standard that generally kept exchange rates quite
close to trade-balancing levels. Today, however, they are counterproductive.
With the currencies of our major
trading partners such as Japan, China, Taiwan and Vietnam undervalued by as
much as about 60 percent, and with the dollar overvalued by over 15
percent compared to an exchange rate that would be consistent with balanced
trade, US producers face "tax" of up to about 75 percent not only on
their exports, but also on their goods that must compete with imports to the
United States. No wonder of tens of thousands
of factories in America have been closed or off-shored, a process that has cost
millions of good well-paying American jobs that once allowed even those without
a college degree to live a good productive middle-class life.
Productivity Growth Declines
Falling profits reduce the
capacity and incentives for companies to make the investments in the research
and development, equipment, and workforce training needed to improve
productivity. This further reduces America's international competitiveness. The
MAC is needed now to improve the profitability of producing goods in America so
that such investments can be made far more easily than they are today.
Jobs and Personal Incomes Fall
As factories are closed in the US
and production is offshored, jobs are lost, and family incomes shrink. The
overvalued dollar also reduces domestic demand for made-in-America goods. This
creates a vicious doom loop that hurts all Americans -- especially the 60
percent without a full 4-year college education. The next generation will
suffer as well because, with family incomes dropping, opportunities for a good
education and good health care dwindle.
I know firsthand that factory jobs
once provided secure middle-class incomes. My wife's grandfather, who only had
a high school education, delivered ice to local homes in a horse-drawn wagon
before starting his lifetime of work as a machinist in a small factory on the
outskirts of Denver, Colorado. His wife was not employed outside the house, but
they could afford to raise three children, live in a lovely suburban home, lead
very active lives in the life of their community, give their children college educations,
and in their senior years, they enjoyed taking road trips in their
beautiful Chrysler New Yorker sedan. Today, few Americans without a college
degree can afford to live such a rewarding life. Passing legislation to
implement the MAC will make such a life available to millions.
Government Revenues Fall and
Expenditures Rise
As the growth of personal incomes
and business profits slows or turns negative, government revenues suffer. At
the same time, the government comes under increasing pressure to support poor
families, bail out failing companies, and to finance redevelopment programs for
devastated areas such as America's Rust Belt zones where deaths of despair have
become a major problem. With a shortage of the economic growth needed to grow
tax revenues without raising rates, and with pressures for programs to help
build better from the middle out, government deficits inevitably balloon. In
short, the MAC is urgently needed to reverse this doom loop.
Government Borrowing from Foreigners Increases
Larger government deficits caused
by slow economic growth and increased demands for public support mean more
borrowing. Between foreign investors’ appetite for Treasuries and the U.S.
Treasury’s search for relatively cheap money, the sale of U.S. government debt
to foreign countries has grown dramatically. Again, this sad trend can be
reversed by implementing the MAC.
The MAC rate would be fully market
driven. It would start low — perhaps at 0.5 percent, rise gradually until
foreign demand for dollars was consistent with balanced US trade. Once
reasonable balance had been achieved, the MAC would stop increasing. If the US
began running current account surpluses, the charge rate would gradually be
reduced until the current account was basically balanced and stable.
Some ask how a small MAC charge of
say 1-3 percent could possibly balance US trade when experience with China
tariffs of during the period from 2017 to 2020 showed that, while tariffs of up
to 50 percent or more on goods from China had a significant impact on our trade
deficit with China, our total global trade deficit actually increased
significantly. A full explanation would go far beyond the space available here,
but here are some of the key points.
The trillions of foreign-source
money that flow into US financial markets every year are attracted, not by
price differences between foreign and US products, but the spread between
foreign and US interest rates, the safety and utility of the dollar, the potential
for dollar appreciation, the diversity of types of investment possible in US
financial markets, and the liquidity of US markets. Of these, spread is
probably the most important.
For example, the spread or
differences in interest rates on comparable investments such as government
bonds of the same maturity can easily be, say, three percent higher in US than
in foreign markets. A difference like this has little impact on the competitiveness
of most physical products, partly because products like cars are commonly
bought on the basis of physical features, prestige, etc.
However, when an investor can
borrow funds in Japan say 0.5% and lend in the United States at 3%, this offers
the opportunity to increase the yield by a factor of six — at virtually no
risk. This leads to a number of very important conclusions:
While a tariff of 3% would have little impact on
the sale of Japanese cars in the United States, a tariff (i.e., MAC charge) of
3% could eliminate the attractiveness of borrowing money in Japan at 0.5% and
investing it in the US at 3%. In fact, assuming no other variables are
significant, a MAC charge of 3% in such a case would eliminate the unwanted
inflow of potentially billions of yen into America’s financial markets — an
inflow that would otherwise drive the value of the yen down against the dollar,
making it even harder for US products to compete against Japanese imports and
harder to export our products to Japan.
Furthermore, at about $90 trillion per year, the
annual inflow of foreign-source money (the tax base for the MAC) has recently been
nearly 30 times the average $3 trillion annual value of imported goods. Thus,
for a given percentage rate, MAC would have about 30 times the revenue generation
potential as a tariff, Conversely, the average tariff would have to be about 30
times the MAC charge to yield an equal volume of revenues.
The 60 percent average global tariff on goods that
would be needed to generate the same amount of revenue as a 2 percent MAC would
be far more likely to trigger intense retaliation than the MAC.
Unlike tariffs which only restrict imports, the
MAC would also stimulate US exports by reducing their costs when expressed in
foreign currencies.
Because the MAC would be so much more efficient
than tariffs by encouraging US exports as well as discouraging US imports, the
risk that the MAC would cause serious economic distortions, costs, or a crisis
is a fraction of that with tariffs.
Furthermore, a 60 percent tariff would trigger massive
retaliation similar to that triggered by the high recent tariffs on Chinese
goods while a 2 percent MAC charge, which could well be sufficient to balance
US trade, would be highly unlikely to trigger evasion.
Evasion of the MAC would be difficult because virtually100%
of all significant inflows of foreign-source money would pass through
international payments systems. (To minimize transaction costs, a de minimis
exemption from the MAC would extended to tourists.)
A MAC charge of about 2%, which would eliminate
most of the spread between foreign and US interest rates that is commonly a major
driver of cross-border flows, would generate about $1.8 trillion of new net government
revenues paid entirely by foreigners. This would have been sufficient to cover
the US
Government deficit for the fiscal year ending 2024.
In short, the MAC would give about
twice the bang for the buck as tariffs, reduce the size of tariffs needed, generate
far more revenues (out of the pockets of foreigners) than tariffs would, minimize
the economic distortions caused and the risk of a serious crisis, and virtually
eliminate the risk of evasion and retaliation.
of the MAC
The MAC charge, which is fully
legal under US and international law, could be implemented tomorrow by
Executive Order under provisions of the International
Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) of 1977, or preferably as legislation
approved by Congress and signed by the President following normal
The MAC would probably be
implemented initially at a rate of say 1/2 percent to avoid disrupting global
trade and to give US authorities a sense of the response that the changes that MAC
will stimulate in terms of exchange rate changes, inflows of foreign source
money, and changes in the trade balance. In addition to reducing or eliminating
the US budget deficit, the MAC could be used to help finance urgently needed
social and physical infrastructure investments and to start paying down
America’s massive internal and external government debts.
The actual implementation would be very easy and low cost: Most monetary capital coming into the United States comes through established banking channels such as SWIFT and the MAC would be collected by the "correspondent" banks licensed to handle such transactions. In the United States only a handful of large banking and financial organizations handle the majority of such transactions. These banks, which would be allowed to deduct a very small fee for handling each transaction, would already have qualified staff, and a simple tweak to the computers that print the transaction receipts in the banks would automatically deduct the MAC charge of say 1% from each transaction and forward it to the US Treasury electronically and automatically.
The MAC is by far the best way to
escape the external deficit doom loop. The concept has been noted favorably by
a number of authors including, for example, Bergsten
& Gagnon, Cass,
& Pettis, Lighthizer,
and Prestowitz. While modest tariffs can help shape the content of US imports to encourage
domestic development of high-priority industries, sky-high
tariffs at the levels needed to fix the US balance of payments are likely to fail for the multiple reasons regularly and rightly cited by "free trade" economists and others. are likely to cause more problems than they solve. However, parallel
measures to reduce America's trade deficits such as eliminating the tax
exemptions that are currently given under US law to foreigners on investment
income earned in America, a measure recommended by Kenneth
Austin, would be low risk and highly complementary to the MAC. Such measures should be given serious simultaneous consideration.
Excessive foreign demand for
dollars and dollar-based assets is clearly the prime cause of America's
dangerous external deficit doom loop. The best way to escape the doom loop and
to move onto a path of steady growth driven by rising American productivity and competitiveness,
not by rising American debt, is to moderate global demand for dollars.
This could easily be done by
charging a small market access charge money above a certain de minimis amount as it enters the United States -- effectively
be a tariff on the import of such money. If foreigners want to dump their
speculative foreign currencies into America's financial markets when existing
US trade deficits show that the global demand for dollars and dollar-based
assets like stocks and bonds is already excessive, the MAC could easily and flexibly be used to moderate these destructive pressures.
In short, implementing the MAC is
urgently needed given the economic, financial, and social problems facing
America today. Implementing the MAC, which could easily be done as noted
above, would put America back on the road to the American Dream of growing
prosperity shared by all.
John R. Hansen, PhD
World Bank (retd.)
January 17, 2025
C:\OneDriveOffLine\__Action Writing\MAC FAQs\Notes\895; HO; MAC
Legislation Needed Now-EDDL.docx